Urban Logistics
Freight movements into and through Panama City are a major contributor to current traffic congestion.
Mitigating these congestion problems is a critical challenge for Panama requiring a combination of coordinated government and private sector actions. In order to ensure that the Panama business community most impacted by these actions plays a major role in determining the best actions to undertake, the Logistics Cabinet has asked the Georgia Tech Logistics Center to facilitate and support the development of a working group of Panama’s freight transportation stakeholders to aid in analyzing the current situation and assessing the impact of actions that might be undertaken to address the problems.
To map current freight transportation flows that impact Panama City.
To assess needs for additional freight transportation capability in Panama City.
To document all of the proposed infrastructure and regulation changes that will impact freight transportation in Panama City.
To develop analytics for data-driven assessments of the impact of proposed infrastructure and regulation changes on freight transportation and traffic.
To identify win-win activities that will both improve transportation efficiency and decrease traffic in the near term.
This project systematically involves the private sector in structured working groups, as follows:
Parcel Delivery
Container Movements
Last Mile Distribution
The idea is to determine what can be done now that would help both the transport sector and improve traffic flow in Panama City.